

O experiente jornalista Ryan Cooper - escreve desde 1989 e é especializado em punk music - foi para o South by Southwest para ver bandas novas, escrever o que rolou de bom esse ano, foi em shows de bandas já conhecidas como HOLE e para nossa surpresa, foi ao nosso show e falou super bem da participação da Canja Rave no festival no blog About.com:punkmusic.

Tínhamos algumas dúvidas em relação a ser uma banda punk, mas acho que cada vez mais estamos nos firmando nessa "categoria", principalmente nos shows...

Quem viu a crítica do Ryan e nos deu a dica foi o JIM DIAMOND, que aliás nos deu a honra da presença dele neste show no SXSW!!

Tá aí o que o cara escreveu, mas quem quiser, pode ir direto no blog.
SXSW 2010 Artist Spotlight - Canja Rave
Wednesday March 24, 2010

A big part of SXSW each year is what I like to call "the stumble factor" where, upon reaching the rare moment where you actually have no obligations or plans for the music you want to see, you stumble into the nearest venue to see what's going on.

This is how we discovered Canja Rave.

Canja Rave is a two-piece outfit from Porto Alegre, Brazil, that is comprised of Chris Kochenborger (guitar/vocals) and Paula Nozzari (drums/vocals). In order to move forward on this, I will address the fact that yes, this is the same composition (guy on guitar, girl on drums) as another famous band, and make the obvious observation that the primary difference is that Canja Rave has a drummer that can actually play drums.

OK, that's out of my system, for now, let's move on.

The Canja Rave stumbled-upon moment exposed us to a big garagey sound, huge for a two-piece and a hell of a stage presence, and despite the fact that this particular showcase was off the main sprawl of venues and the crowd was pretty small, they played their asses off.

Kochenborger slammed big dirty sounds out of his guitar, supplemented with gruff vocals and the occasional duck walk and Nozzari's poppy voice was perched gently upon a pair of hands that were hammering the skins in a blur. Along with some straight up 3-chord garage, there were occasional sonic nods to the Raveonettes and Pixies, and hints of Thurston Moore in the guitars, and of course elements of a certain Detroit duo.

So yeah, it's unavoidable for a two-piece to not get compared to the well-known pair, but it became even more unavoidable when Kochenborger opened a song with "This goes out to whomever's from Detroit." I of course cheered before realizing that he wasn't talking about me.

Also present in the crowd (in fact, standing right next to us) was legendary Detroit album producer Jim Diamond, who produced the first two White Stripes albums and played bass with the Dirtbombs. He also produced Badango, the latest from Canja Rave, which we bought from the band after the show (and it's really good).

I'm not sure what this proves - that Diamond has a thing for this sort of lineup, or that you can't go anywhere in the world without finding a Detroit connection. Either way, it was serendipitous.

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